Sunday, January 24, 2010

suga suga, oh, honey honey

{Rewind two weeks ago}
Back in AZ, I decided I wanted to make a little dessert for my "last super" with the family before I left back to Australia. The Oreo Truffles that I previously discovered on Bakerella were absolutely
melt-in-your-mouth-delicious, so I thought it'd be a good idea to have a go with those again.
With the help of David and Aleese, we started making them!

Atta boy!

Notice an odd man out in this display of rolled up truffles?
That one 3 rows up from the bottom right was done my my niece, Aleese {3}! Ha!

She loves helping in the kitchen. At dinnertime you can always find her sitting on the counter in front of Kaylynn helping her cook.

When David told her her truffle ball looked like a terd, she replied,
"I'm not a turtle, I'm a girl!"

The Chefs.
{Ryker joined last minute to lick the spoon, but we'll count him as one of us because he's just so cute}.

The Family...missing Krave {aka Kristen and Dave}.

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